Steps to Buy Things on Impala
Last updated: 27/07/2022
  1. 1
    Using the Search Bar. At the top of the screen you have a search bar. In this search bar type the name of the product you are interested in and click the search button.
    eg. Search "Jbl portable bluetooth speaker"
  2. 2
    Selecting an Item. The search results will appear on your screen. Scroll down the screen to go through the displayed results. At the bottom of the page, you can see that you have more result pages for your search. So, you can search through them and select (click) a product you like.
  3. 3
    Scroll through the product. When you will select a product, it will appear with its detailed description along with ADD TO CART.

    Scroll down the screen to see the Specifications and Description of the product.

    After you are satisfied with the product details click on the Add to Cart button or if not satisfied go back and search for other product.
  4. 4
    Click "Add to Cart". After you click Add to Cart button you have to get across these four sections that you can see in the image below:

    1:Login or SIGNUP
    2:Delivery Address
    3:Order Summary
    4:Payment Option

    For login, you have to enter your mobile number or email and password and click on the CONTINUE button.
  5. 5
    Add your delivery address. Enter the address where you want the product to be delivered in this DELIVERY ADDRESS section. Click SAVE
  6. 6
    Click "Continue to Payment". You will see your order summary, to confirm the order click on CONTINUE TO PAYMENT.
  7. 7
    Select your payment method. Last is the PAYMENT OPTION section, select the mode of your payment and pay likewise.
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