• Dispenser Ya Maji SPJ Lita 16, Friji Ndogo ya Lita 16, Chemchemi ya Maji ya Moto, Kawaida & Baridi, Bomba 3 Rahisi za Kushinikiza, Kufuli ya Usalama wa Mtoto, Nyenzo ya Kupambana na Bakteria, Nyeusi/Fedha, WDBLR-RF004, Dhamana ya Mwaka 1. tune share

    Model Number: WDBLR-RF004

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    About this item

    • 16 Litre Refrigerator: The SPJ Water Dispenser has a large built-in refrigerator that allows you to store beverages and other food items.
    • Hot Normal Cold Water Options: The dispenser has three temperature options catering to different needs without any long waiting time.
    • Compressor Cooling: The device uses a cooling technology that ensures efficient cooling performance.
    • Convenient 3 Push Taps: The dispenser has three push taps for hot, normal, and cold water, offering convenience and ease of use.
    • Child Lock For Hot Water: This safety feature prevents accidents, making it safe to use in households with children.
    • Low Noise Design: The device is designed to function quietly, reducing noise in the surrounding environment.
    • Anti Bacterial Material: The device is build with anti-bacterial properties, ensuring that the water remains clean and safe for use.
    • Stylish Design: Say hello to a stylish and compact design, which elevates the overall look of the space.
    • Power Saving: The water dispenser is made to use less power while giving the best performance all day long.
    • User-Friendly: SPJ ensures that you get the best of technology, which is why the water dispenser is very easy to use.

    Product Description

    1. Friji Ndogo ya Lita 16: Hifadhi vinywaji na vyakula vingine kwenye friji iliyojengwa ndani.
    2. Chaguo la Maji ya Moto, ya Kawaida & Baridi: Pata maji ya moto, ya kawaida au baridi kulingana na mahitaji yako.
    3. Ufanyaji kazi wa Baridi kwa Compressor: Teknolojia ya kisasa ya baridi kwa utendaji bora.
    4. Bomba 3 Rahisi za Kushinikiza: Bomba tofauti za maji ya moto, ya kawaida na baridi kwa urahisi wa kutumia.
    5. Kufuli ya Usalama wa Mtoto kwa Maji ya Moto: Hakikisha usalama wa watoto wako na kufuli ya maji ya moto.
    6. Ubunifu wa Kelele Ndogo: Furahia utendaji wa tulivu bila kelele nyingi.
    7. Nyenzo ya Kupambana na Bakteria: Kunywa maji safi na salama kutokana na nyenzo za kupambana na bakteria.
    8. Muundo Maridadi: Kuboresha mwonekano wa eneo lako na muundo maridadi na wa kompakt.
    9. Kuokoa Nguvu: Tumia umeme kidogo huku ukiendelea kupata maji baridi.
    10. Rahisi Kutumia: Mtumiaji wa maji wa SPJ ni rahisi na mbunifu kutumia.

    Technical Details


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    What's in the box

  • 1 x Water dispenser
  • 1 x User manual

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