Reschedule your delivery

  1. Need to adjust your delivery date?, here's a breakdown of what you need to know about rescheduling your delivery

    When can I reschedule?
    Email Confirmation: You must have received an email confirming your original delivery date. This helps us ensure the reschedule request is legitimate and avoids delays.

    Reschedule Limit: We allow a maximum of two delivery reschedules per order. This helps us maintain efficient delivery schedules and avoid unnecessary delays for other customers.

    How do I reschedule?
    To reschedule your delivery please reach out to our customer support team by email([email protected]) or phone(+255 759 075 719). Our dedicated team will assist you in adjusting the delivery timing to better suit your schedule.

  2. Still looking for an answer?

    We’re here to help. Please contact us and we’ll make sure you get the information you need.
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